Age 51 years, one of the pioneer of IT sector, Nagpur. Diagnosed as uncontrolled Diabetes with HbA1c 11.2, fasting & PP Blood sugar 275 & 365 on 18 th March 2020. Started the life style changes from 22 nd March. His blood sugar reduced to 96 & 130
This is maintained till now. HbA1c returned to 6.4 within 100 days & then to 5.4. Started the life style changes from 22 nd March. His blood sugar reduced to 96 & 130 on 10 th April (within 18 days). This is maintained till now. HbA1c returned to 6.4 within 100 days & then to 5.4. He tested his blood sugar levels for about 150 times within 90 days, just to know about the effects of different food items on it. His journey to severely uncontrolled diabetes to non diabetic stage motivated many more to start on this path.